Joe Cody


Taking the
First Step

Find Your
Way In Life

Work Hard
and You'll
Find a

Everyone Deserves Happiness

You are
NOT alone.

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Strength - Faith - Hope - Commitment - Believe In Yourself


Joe Cody talked to my sophomore PE/Health class at Junipero Serra High School regarding the dangers of drinking alcohol. Joe presented an effective presentation of the dangers involved with drinking by using his own personal history and anecdotes. Joe's presentation was a heart-felt testimonial of the inherent dangers of alcohol abuse that really captured the attention of my students. He thoroughly engaged the class and it was obvious that his message really got through. The students talked about his presentation for weeks and he really opened some eyes. I whole heartily recommend having Joe as a guest speaker at your school.

-Charles Rapp, Teacher and Varsity Basketball Coach at Serra High School, San Mateo CA


Joe Cody's compelling battle with alcoholism warns young people of the dangers of drinking alcohol at an early age. Joe carefully outlines the steps to avoid teenage alcoholism. He also is an advocate for young people to seek help from appropriate adults during difficult adolescent years. 

-Rick Hanson, Teacher at Taylor Middle School and Varsity Basketball Coach at Mills High School, Millbrae CA

Joe was my baseball coach at an early age — 4th grade to 8th grade. He was, at the age of 15, a fantastic coach, and I've remembered everything he's taught me, about baseball, about life, and I hope to pass along his guidance in athletics along to my son. And now, mostly, he's teaching me about being a standup, remorseful, successful human being. He's learned to add good to the world among tremendous, lifelong adversity. I could not be prouder of Joe.

- Mario Biancalana, former player for and current friend of Joe Cody 

I went to elementary school at Our Lady of Angels with Joe's younger sister and Joe was our PE Teacher for a year and was really somebody we all looked up to.  After graduation I would see Joe at various functions around town and eventually in the bars and sometimes he wasn't the man we all admired so much growing up.  It's been inspirational seeing Joe turn his life around and even more so how well he articulates his struggle and how much he wants to help others.  The most inspiring part of Joe's journey isn't his recovery, it's his desire to help others.

-Steve Appenrodt, Realtor® at D&L Properties, Burlingame CA 







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Contact Joe to schedule him for a speaking engagement